6.5 150 minBluray The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, UK, USA Andrew Adamson Trailer Tonton
2.7 82 minBluray The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It (2010) Comedy, USA Craig Moss Tonton
7.5 146 minBluray The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, USA 2013-11-15Francis Lawrence Trailer Tonton
6.3 95 minBluray Vultures (2018) Crime, Drama, Thriller, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden 2018-05-04Börkur Sigþórsson Trailer Tonton
4.6 101 minDVD Mr. Bones 2: Back from the Past (2008) Comedy, South Africa Gray Hofmeyr Trailer Tonton
5.5 92 minBluray It Stains the Sands Red (2016) Comedy, Drama, Horror, USA 2016-10-08Colin Minihan Trailer Tonton
5.3 100 minWEBDL The Boat (2018) Mystery, Thriller, Malta, UK 2019-02-22Winston Azzopardi Trailer Tonton
6.7 115 minBluray Seraphim Falls (2006) Action, Drama, Western, USA 2006-09-13David Von Ancken Trailer Tonton
5.1 92 minBluray Second in Command (2006) Action, Adventure, Thriller, Romania, UK Simon Fellows Trailer Tonton
7.1 79 minBluray The Monster Squad (1987) Action, Comedy, Fantasy, USA 1987-08-14Fred Dekker Trailer Tonton
7.1 99 minBluray Martyrs (2008) Drama, Horror, Thriller, Canada, France 2008-09-03Pascal Laugier Trailer Tonton