4.7 90 minBluray The Grudge 3 (2009) Horror, Mystery, Thriller, Japan, USA Toby Wilkins Trailer Tonton
7.1 95 minBluray Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) Comedy, Drama, Italy, Japan, USA Jim Jarmusch Trailer Tonton
7.2 98 minBluray Team America: World Police (2004) Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Music, Germany, USA Trey Parker Trailer Tonton
5.2 92 minBluray I Spit on Your Grave: Vengeance is Mine (2015) Horror, Thriller, USA R.D. Braunstein Trailer Tonton
6.3 96 minBluray Barney Thomson (2015) Comedy, Drama, Thriller, Canada, UK, USA Robert Carlyle Trailer Tonton
7.7 100 minBluray Eastern Promises (2007) Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Canada, UK, USA David Cronenberg Trailer Tonton
1.7 83 minBluray Krampus: The Devil Returns (2016) Action, Horror, Thriller, USA Jason Hull Trailer Tonton
7.0 120 minBluray Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Germany, USA Guillermo del Toro Trailer Tonton
6.5 90 minBluray The Librarian III: The Curse of the Judas Chalice (2008) Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, USA Jonathan Frakes Trailer Tonton
8.0 137 minBluray Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) Action, Crime, Thriller, USA Quentin Tarantino Trailer Tonton